History of SMC
Following the first legislation enacted by National Parliament of Iran in 1964, the medical council was founded and Dr. Manouchehr Eghbal was the first person receiving medical council number. Members of directive board in medical council are selected after a four-year term through election. The first president of SMC was Dr. Mohammadtaghi Mir in 1969 who was succeeded by the following presidents:
Mohamad Javad Rastegar (1978 -1981)
Mohammad Hossein Taheri (from 1981 to 1991)
Ahmad Nejabat (1991-1999)
Abdorahim Asadi Lari (1999-2007)
Ali Bahador (2007-2011)
Currently Dr. Homeira Vafaee Sisakht who has been elected for two terms since 2011 is the president of SMC. The vice president is Dr. Gholamreza Dehghanzadeh.